Nick Dowse drawing

Hi, I'm Nick Dowse.

I like to make things, currently working at WeTransfer. In my spare time I like to answer questions I have about the world.


This is an iOS app that allows you to send POST requests based on Geofencing. For example, when I leave the office send a request to the my home server to turn on the heating, so that when I get home my house is nicely warmed. View it on the app store here.

GeoPOST iPhone App Screenshot 1
GeoPOST iPhone App Screenshot 2

Rails Magic Clipboard

Rails Magic Clipboard Sublime Text plugin

Table Importer

I've also written a ruby gem to help importing tables of data (for example a list of contacts) into your rails app. It supports CSV, TSV, Excel (xls and xlsx), Google Spreadsheets, and plain strings. Check it out on RubyGems here, or view the source code on GitHub here.

Web Development

In my spare time I do some web development. Most recently I redesigned the Dowse Murray Chartered Accountants' website.

Dowse Murray Chartered Accountants Website Redesign


From November 2012 - February 2013 I worked at Xero as a student intern. I absolutely loved working there, and I learnt a lot, incuding working with C#, .NET, SQL Server, XML, XHTML, ExtJS and most importantly learning how to produce software on a big scale. In saying that, if I had to take away one thing from working at Xero its the importance of company culture, and how you can create a strong company culture.

If you'd like to here more about my time at Xero, you can email me here.

Personal Projects

FlatHunt - A website for finding flats!

Flat Hunt is a New Zealand version of, created out of my experiences as a frustrated flat hunter in Dunedin.

Whats My Tax?

The first website I ever built. You enter your income and out pops what you would pay under the proposed tax policies of every major political party in New Zealand.

University Work

I studied at the University of Otago, in Dunedin, New Zealand, graduating in June 2014.

Throughout my degree I've worked with Java (data structure implementations and networking). In my second year the course moved into C (where we implemented data structures again) and web development (utilising the LAMP stack, and learning how to use jQuery, Ajax, JSON etc). Our final project was to develop an auction site to rival TradeMe. Mine was called hipTrade...

In 2013 I spent the first 7 months working as an Activity Instructor in England (teaching archery, rock climbing, kayaking etc to children), before moving to America to study at the University of California at Santa Cruz for four months. At UCSC I took courses in Databases (using PostgreSQL), and Computer Graphics (using C++ and OpenGL). I returned to New Zealand just in time for Christmas. For my final semester I took courses in Computer Networking, Problem Solving, and Artificial Intelligence (example), finshing my Computer Science degree in June, before moving to Amsterdam to work with

About Me

As for me, I am currently living and working as a Rails developer in Amsterdam, NL. I love going hiking, meeting new people and all things IT.

There's me at the entrance to Yosemite Valley!

Contact Me

Twitter: @nmdowse


Github: nickdowse

Me at the entrance to Yosemite Valley!